All in PocketSmith

82. From Paycheque to Paycheque to Home Sweet Home


In this episode, we hear from Jess, a single 52-year-old woman who reached out to me in early 2022 when she sent me a lovely email telling me she had been using my blog and podcast, plus The Barefoot Investor, to learn more about money to help her keep on track with some long-term money goals. Today we explore how Jess went from a house being out of her league to owning one.

81. Turning good opportunities into reality!


Through luck and good timing, 29-year-old Dylan found himself buying his first property, an empty section, aged just 21, and then one thing led to another; he stumbled upon a cracking good deal, paying just $18,000 for a second section. Today I will share not only how he purchased property but the numbers behind it, the lucky breaks he has had and the fact that since he learned about FIRE, he is now diversifying by investing in KiwiSaver and ETF share investments. This late 20-year-old is on an excellent trajectory for a great financial future.

80. Young, Bright, and Financially Wise


In this week's episode, I wanted to revisit an earlier episode with an update on Nathan from episode 71, and introduce a new guest, Sam, a 16-year-old Year 12 student who is starting a financial journey similar to Nathan's and already demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset towards his financial well-being. He recognises that financial stability is vital to achieving his goals.

79. I'll drink to that!


37-year-old Tui described herself as someone who has worked hard to get her financial house in order, and in the last three years in particular, she has made great progress. She had spent her teens and twenties gathering life experiences by living and working overseas, getting an education, beginning a career and buying a home with a friend. But more recently, she has increased her understanding of personal finance, and when she added that new knowledge to her situation, she has moved ahead, now with her partner Marcus, in leaps and bounds.

78. In the process of making a Financial U-turn!


Nic described herself as a 42-year-old professional who sometimes has to pinch herself at the job she has. It’s a tough demanding role in a field she loves that pays really well. Her money journey got off to a slow start, full of bad decisions but a lot of good luck and some great times. Now she finds herself in the very fortunate position of earning an above average income, which up until recently, she spent. Nic has come a long way, but the journey is not over yet, but she has a plan now, something she never had before. She has her WHY and the HOW defined. She now just requires the discipline, focus and drive to pull it all off!

75. If it’s not simple, you shouldn’t be doing it.


This week I caught up with a couple in their mid 20’s, Richard and Jane. In 2019, they purchased a home when they were just 22 years of age and are now setting about paying it off. Buying a home so young is unusual, but having the goal from the beginning to pay it off as fast as possible is even more unusual. My first question to them was, “how did you get so smart?”

74. Interesting things happen to interesting people.


This week I’m sharing the story of Ayana, a woman who sure does have a zest for life. However, life keeps throwing her curve balls, and she has to keep adjusting course. She takes life by the horns, and because she is thinking clearly about money, she can embrace each new change instead of being crippled by it. I loved this conversation; I think you will too.

72. An inheritance goes a long way!


It’s what you DO with an inheritance that counts. Will chose to pay off debt and invest. His biggest financial triumph, he said, has been the fact that he took an interest in working out how to grow wealth, he took the time to educate himself, and then he actually took action. Now married and living in their own home in Auckland, this 31-year-old couple is still well on their way to financial freedom.

70. Our Money, Our Future


Today’s guest, 33-year-old Freya from Auckland, emailed me because she wanted me to interview more younger women who had their money sorted and also handled their families' finances. From the little she divulged in her email, I could tell that she was on track to being financially sorted, so I encouraged her to speak with me instead! I found her so inspiring to speak with and I think you will too.