All tagged Sinking Fund

How We Pay Cash for Every Holiday

In January 2025, we boarded an eight-night South Pacific cruise. Today, I’m sharing our exact costs and how we paid cash for this holiday and every holiday we will take in the future. This blog post is not to convince you to book a cruise but to show you that if you have a holiday in mind that you want to take, I can help you make sure you have the money to pay for it. Travel is expensive, so it's essential to plan well in advance.

How have YOU improved your financial situation?

In my last blog post, where I was giving away a bunch of books on personal finance, I gave you two ways to enter. You could either just click enter and get on with your day, or you could take a moment to answer my wide-open question, “Tell me in 100 words or less how you have improved your financial situation”. I honestly thought most people would just enter to win the books without taking the time to write a response. Gosh, was I wrong! My inbox quickly filled up with over 260 fantastic responses, and I’m sharing all of them below. Yep, all of them.

Paying in advance is a far more relaxing way to travel!

I wanted to share the exact costs of a holiday we took in January of this year when we went to Australia and took our first-ever cruise. I went in hugely sceptical of cruising, but I absolutely loved it. We holiday differently from some: Our holiday is fully paid for before we leave. Paying in advance is a far more relaxing way to travel, indeed, the ONLY way to travel, in my opinion.

Financial Peace in an Emergency

This blog post might be the quickest and shortest one I have ever written! My inbox has just received yet another round of invoices for payment. February has been a particularly expensive month with a number of invoices due for payment over and above what we would usually expect. Some we have budgeted for and had fully covered, others we had partially saved for or were out of the blue. For the unexpected expenses, I was faced with only one option really, to reach into our emergency fund and use that to pay the invoices.

Consistency and Planning, boring yet effective.

I thought I would start the year with something that I think is a mega important topic if you want to get your finances in order, Consistency and Planning. Both are boring yet effective. As always, I like to share what I’m up to and what works for us, you can then take from it what you will. A few years back I implemented a few simple things and today I’m reaping the rewards of my consistency, planning and good habits. You can do the same, but you do need to start today.

What is a Sinking Fund?

I realised recently that I rattle off financial terms, assuming that people know what they are. And that annoyed me a bit, because the reason I started blogging was to demystify financial jargon and yet, here I was, rattling off a bit of jargon! One of these terms is ‘sinking fund’. Today I thought I would quickly explain what a sinking fund is and why I use them myself.