All tagged Sharesight

Portfolio Rebalance: We sold $103,000 of investments!

In August, I made a significant change to our investment mix. I sold all $103,000 of our Smartshares NZ Top 50 ETF (FNZ). This change ties in with all the other tweaks I’ve made over the years, where I have been progressively refining how we invest and setting ourselves up for future growth. Year after year, our mix changed as I learned and understood more, so this recent change is part of this evolution. If I were to use investment speak, I’d say I have ‘rebalanced my portfolio’.

8th Anniversary Giveaway: Guess the Piggy Bank Total!

I'm hosting a giveaway to celebrate The Happy Saver’s 8th Anniversary. This isn't just any ordinary giveaway. With her creative flair, my daughter made a paper mache piggy bank way back in 2021. It’s taken three long years of her diligently filling it up, and now it’s time to break it open and see just how much she’s saved. To enter to win one of the prizes, take a wild guess at the total amount inside the piggy bank.

How is my US 500 ETF performing?

This week, I’m aiming for this blog post to loosely follow my last one, where I talked about Index Funds and ETFs. Today, I will share my own experience, and to simplify things, I'm sharing information on one of our investments only, our Smartshares US 500 ETF. As an alternative to property, readers are trying to find the ‘perfect’ share market investment and will suggest an investment provider or fund as ‘the ONE’. My thoughts are that there is no perfect investment, housing or otherwise. It simply doesn’t exist, but I have concluded after investing myself for many years that there are several investments that are perfectly ‘good enough’.

2022 Review & Net Worth Update

I’m about to share my 2022 numbers with you. The primary reason is so that you have someone to benchmark against. Because of my blog, I’m lucky that I’m regularly conversing with people interested in discussing personal finances. Those conversations also helped me learn what Jonny and I could improve. Chances are that very few of you have friends and family willing to share their experiences with money to help you learn. Therefore, I’m happy to share ours. Please don’t judge me and my financial position; it’s just information. Use it how you will.

Lotto Loser / Investing Winner!

November is the only month that I ever buy a Lotto ticket. The reason is that when my Dad was alive, he always liked receiving a Lotto ticket on his birthday. Almost five years have passed since he died, and I’ve continued to buy a single ticket for his birthday, eagerly checking it to see if Dad had better Lotto luck in death than he did in life. Yeah, Nah. He didn’t! Imagine if, instead of buying a Lucky Dip, I began to buy a share investment instead of Lotto when my Dad died almost five years ago; how much would I have today?

Following Mr. Money Mustache’s Simple Strategy to Financial Freedom

Back in January 2012, blogger Pete Adeney, aka Mr. Money Mustache, wrote a blog post that changed my life when I eventually discovered it in about 2016-2017. I don’t think I would not be sitting here today, in our position, had I not stumbled upon it. Then his following article explaining the 4% Rule, which he wrote in May of 2012, set our wheels in motion. And these two powerful blog posts have just turned 10.

How is my “Kernel S&P Kensho Moonshots Innovation Fund” performing?

How is my “Kernel S&P Kensho Moonshots Innovation Fund” performing? In a word. Poorly. It’s down 27% with no signs of stopping its slide. But I can’t complain; the fund manager themselves forewarned me. Now that I’ve invested in this specific fund for almost a year, I thought it an interesting exercise to see if the returns are living up to my high expectations. Hmmm, let’s just say, it’s not quite what I was hoping for.

The Happy Saver Christmas Gift Giveaway!

I’m delighted to tell you that Christmas is imminent! At the time of publishing this blog post, it’s just 34 days away. Yes, indeed it is. You will no doubt have noticed the headlines telling us to shop early for Christmas and stock up due to a predicted lack of supply? Therefore, I have been doing a little bit of shopping for the readers of my blog. Jonny and I have come up with a plan to give away a bunch of goodies, all of which aim to help you in your journey to financial independence.