All tagged Semi Retirement

Jonny makes more money working for someone else!

This is an update on my blog post: We now work just two days a week! In the previous blog post, I talked about Jonny transitioning from being self-employed to working for someone else. In 2022, Jonny and I wrestled with the concept of him going to work for someone else as an employee. Given that many New Zealanders work for themselves or desire to, there is the misconception that you make more money and have more freedom when you work for yourself, and while this can certainly be true, it is not always the case

Why save, plot and plan for my financial future?

There has been quite an increase in questions over the last couple of weeks, which is not at all surprising given how much uncertainty is out there. And this week, having answered so many emails, plus I was finishing writing and recording my final podcast episode of this series, I’ve not quite gotten around to a new blog post. So this week I’ve decided to republish a post I wrote back in 2017 because I feel that it’s still very relevant today.

Taking a Mini-Retirement

I met Pete when he dropped me an email telling me he had found my podcast and “burned through both seasons”. Pete and his family have plenty of time to do this because they have currently taken a year away from New Zealand to hang out in Vietnam. In this guest blog post, Pete explains it’s extremely doable and incredibly worthwhile. Take it away Pete…

The 4% Rule

Have you ever thought “How much do I need to save for my retirement”? I certainly have. Professor’s from Trinity University in America created a study that looked into a sustainable withdrawal rate and to cut a long story short, they came up with the 4% Rule.